I can't breathe, restraint and seclusion of our black children in public school
Description: The training equips viewers with the tools to understand the dangers in the use of restraint and seclusion. We discuss and address the education system targets of Black children and children with disabilities on the use of these dangerous practices. |
Racism in special education
Description: Black students have been overrepresented in special education since the U.S. Office of Civil Rights first started to sample school districts in 1968. Disparities in identification are greatest for more subjective disabilities, like specific learning disabilities (SLD), intellectual disabilities (ID), and emotional disturbances (ED). Researchers have suggested that teacher or assessment biases could have greater impacts on these more subjective disabilities, leading to observed disparities. |
Understanding the special education process Description: The Special Education is complex, frustrated and scary. The training guides your the processes needed to obtain special education and related services for your child with disabilities. |
Advocating for related services Description: Related Services are one of the most underutilized services in special education. The training reviews the varies the various types of related services available to students with IEP and 504 plans. |